What is ASLR? And how to take advantage of it for compressed course full learn

 ASLR Reverse Engineering course

what is ASLR

 that ASLR  is an acronym for Address space layout randomization , a kind of precautionary protection for the computer, where On the random rearrangement of important data regions, the base of the executable and the locations of the library, stack, and random memory are usually mixed into the process address space.
The effectiveness of this process is that it makes the process of taking advantage of the discovered vulnerabilities difficult, as it is difficult for the attacker to know the locations of the target addresses, for example in the return-to-libc attacks that start with a buffer overflow and then the return address of the return function in the stack is replaced with an address For something new, this process we find that the attacker has to find the stack first to exploit this vulnerability, and with the presence of ASLR, the process of finding the stack becomes a process that is not easy and requires guessing, and if the guess fails, the application will collapse, as you note that the task of ASLR is to make Taking advantage of loopholes is difficult to some degree.
Historically, the first to invent and coin the term ASLR is the PaX project in July 2001, and the project has been the most complete application of this concept until now, and it provides stack randomness to the Linux kernel from October 2002 until now, and the Adamantix distribution, Hardened Gentoo and Hardened Linux From Scratch includes the PaX project by default.
As for the default Linux kernel, it includes a weak form of ASLR, which is enabled by default from version 2.6.12, and there are two sets of PaX and ExecShield patches for those who want a complete ASLR solution.
Also, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 support ALSR by default, with some reservations regarding compatibility with legacy applications.
OpenBSD supports ASLR technology, while the Mac is lagging behind with some improvement lately. 

 to turn off ASLR in Windows, 

we open the Registry in Windows, the

steps to turn off 

1- We open regedit
CurrentControlSet- 4
Control -5
Session Manager -6
Memory Management -7
8- Then we add a key of type Dword 32bit value and call it MoveImages
to disable ASLR We add a value of zero (0)


ASLR DEP ReverseEng by rce3033|   Exploit Mitigation Techniques - Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) - Exploit Development - 0x00sec - The Home of the Hacker.html|   M11-06-RockandROPeando.pdf
|   NX-bit.pdf
|   Project Zero_ MMS Exploit Part 5_ Defeating Android ASLR, Getting RCE.html
|   return-to-csu_ A New Method to Bypass 64-bit Linux ASLR - Black Hat Asia 2018 _ Briefings Schedule.html
+---PE Player
|       Disable ASLR - Programming - rohitab.com - Forums.html
|       PE File Infection. - Programming - rohitab.com - Forums.html
|       PE Player 1.0.1 beta.zip
|       PE Sec Info - A Simple Tool to Manipulate ASLR and DEP Flags _ ??Blog of Osanda.html
|       PESecInfo-master.zip
|       PESecInfo.7z
|       PESecInfo_at4re.zip
|       PESecurity-master.zip
|       Verifying ASLR, DEP, and SafeSEH with PowerShell.html
        setdllcharacteristics _ Didier Stevens.html
        setdllcharacteristics_v0_0_0_1.zip        [Windows] Use setdllcharacteristics to force the PE file to open the DEP_ASLR flag _ EPH's program diary.html
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